Sunday, March 27, 2016


She lay on her bed trying to fall asleep. She closed her eyes several times, but always ended up opening them as she had the bizarre feeling that someone is watching her. All the shapes in her room were in perfect order and yet she was experiencing a high level of anxiety. Her breaths were deep and rare, her breasts visibly rising and falling. In an attempt to calm herself down she clasped her hands against her chest. This made her feel even worse – as if she was obstructing her lungs to deliver the oxygen through the rest of her body. A heat wave reached her brains. She was trying to concentrate so hard on something, anything in fact. The shooting stars that were visible through her window seemed particularly attractive, and any other time they would’ve totally captured her attention, but now she just couldn’t stop the numbness. Petrified, with her heart wanting to jump out of its place, tears running down her cheeks she was gazing into the darkness, shaking, she was continuously telling herself ‘this is ridiculous’. Her pupils widened to a maximum. She could feel the presence so close to her. She could feel its stinky breath in the air. She could feel its rage consuming every cell of her. And she just lay there helplessly waiting for it to appear. It never did.

She loathed this form of it with all her heart. It was dreadful and abusive.