Tuesday, December 4, 2018

break me

gaze fixed on the wall in the catacombs of wishes
torn among some bruised roses and dead kisses
carmine reflections in the hollow
mirrors inside the maze of battered emotions
glassy eyes drunk on tears of eternal sorrow
locked in a cage with lions
holding on to the shreds that used to be a life
my life
wondering when did I lose myself in this ocean

break me

cornered by shards from a shattered glass of wine
old bloodstained floor that became my shrine
cheers for Mr and Mrs - Perfect 
illusions glimmer underneath tears of doom
putrefied love scattered on bare naked
skin awaiting for me to bloom
yet all it was and will ever be - a lie
my sweet lie
wondering how did I lose myself in this ocean

break me
I wanna dream a bit more

haunted by ghosts of obsessive love 
I'm a prisoner of my own thoughts 
desperately trying to find an escape 
from its choking vines wrapped around my heart
yet all I do is dig deeper the grave
that will eventually rip it apart
and that hollow maze filled with the dead echoes a cry
a distant cry
making me wonder why did I lose myself

break me
I wanna dream a bit more
away from it all