Saturday, June 8, 2019

dear love,

what if I see you no more
my dried up tears preparing for a futile war
with your face blurred into the background
a faint echo of what meant to be safe and sound 
yet here I am for you
pixel perfect skin
no blemishes
from within
eden of all wishes

what if I hear you no more
your empty  promises I used to abhor
your words a whirlpool of nonsense
distant murmur of the past
yet here I am for you
an other empty vessel of pleasure
of hope
of dreams
of life
your treasure

what if I feel you no more
I'm but a pile of dead receptors washed ashore
a temple for your abominable lust
nourishing a well concealed disgust
yet I'm here for you 
answering your call
wet and ready to screw
I'm gonna take it all

what if I am no more
but a puppet you adore
bearing gifts galore
forever your whore